Renccer Jelcel was a yong breton who was travelling from cyrodill to skyrim to do research in a ancient ruin with the help of the college of Winterhold, when he was wrongfully capturated among thiefs and the nord insurrectionist Ulfric Stormcloack.
His noble Background, of importance to High Rock courts, saved his neck from the block. Not only that but the nobility connections were what allowed his family to be aware of the new discoveries made by the college of Winterhold. As a proeficient mage and schollar, he would not let this oportunity slide.
It looked like they found a ruin that emanated powerful energies and were going to look it up on their own if Renccer didn't had contacts over in the college. Contacts, prestige, and a house name were a means to a end. Besides that, the breton didnt had much patience to the politics that came with it. What matters is that he managed to witness the end of the Skyrim rebellion first-handed. General Tullious would be praised for his tactal abilities in the capture and subsequent elimination of Ulfric Stormcloack, and the nords that took his side hid away in shame.
Renccer Jelcel would soon prove to be a prodigy on the college. He was somehow in the center of the big events that would follow: the discovery of the Eye of Magnus and the appearence of the Psicjic Order. With time, though, he realised that the chain of events that led to his promotion to Arch-Mage was influenced by many hands besides his own.

All of Skyrim resented the college for *probably* being responsible for the destruction of Winterhold, they refuse to help the jarls in many occasions as the example of the sleepless Morthal, and they even managed to almost destroy Winterhold for good while opening up old tombs. With Savos and Mirabella dead, and a lucky fool as arch-mage, the psijic order wanted to teach the College a lesson, and put them into administrive chaos that would probably be the end of the institution.
But, to the surprise of many, Renccer Jelcel was up to the task. He managed to convince the older teachers to put a hold in one or two projects and help him organise the mess, and most importantly: watch over for any illicit activity. He also delegated students to tasks required all over Skyrim. No one was happy about this but no one complained: they owned Renccer for saving the college in recent events, and respected him for recovering the legendary Staff of Magnus. In the end, when the nords were helped with many occasions and, spitefully saw how unhappy all the mages were with the new leadership, they became less hostile towards the college.
Even with the college burden on his back, Renccer continues his journey to power, seeking knowledge. In that journey, he gets in contact with house Telvianni and the daedric lord Hermeaus Mora, who shows him forbidden knowledge. The lust for greatness corrupts him, making him forsake any morals. People were people no more, but test subjects. rules were rules no more, but obstacles in his way to greatness.
In contact with the black books, Renccer discovered the Realm of Apocrypha. His hunger for knowledge made him strike a bargain with Hermaeos Mora: the aid of a living mage would be instrumental in Miraak's plan to return to Nirn. Tolfdir, from the college, could see that something was wrong with the arch Mage. It felt like the Breton could see more than what was at sight. He also suddenly was not so restrictive of Enthir's illegal activities anymore, and could be himself mixed up with necromancy.

Eventually Renccer just stopped communications with the college. The elders were plaguing him, saying that the black books were too dangerous and the Telvianni mage was no better. Renccer just left them behind. They had nothing to offer, comparing to the wonders of hermeaus mora's knowledge. At the Daedric Lords Bidding, Jelcel travelled to Volkihar Castle to commune with the Vampires. Their acummulated knowledge on the many schools of magic dated back several ages and made even Neloth Telvianni jealous. Many decades later, Renccer Jelcel's study on necromancy ended up being instrumental in the return of miraak and subjugation of Solsthein, but also in the attack of Windhelm, led by a dead army of the breton himself. Distracted by the lost of one island and one city all at once, the empire gathered a army on solitude and marched East, only to loose solitude itself to a vampire attack led by Lord Harkon. The lord of the vampires, in his obsession with a old prophecy, was tricked by Renncer into leading such attack.

Forced to go south, to Whiterun, the empire's forces regrouped. Not only that, they managed to get support from the greybeards. The monks didnt act on trivial matters such as the previous civil war, but a evil uproar of necromancers and vampires was a threat that could not be ignored. with the way of the voice on his side, general Tulius retook Solitude and the vampires were neutralized.
It was windhelm that stood for a stronger obstacle. Renccer's endless zombies and skeletons, gathered along many years and many experiments, coulndt hold the line forever, against the way of the voice from the greybeards, and not even Durnehviir, a dead dragon summoned from the Soul Cairn, could hold back against Aldin's former General, Parthurnnax.
The college of Winterhold stood idle against their former arch-mage, and ended up disgraced and finally dismantled for their lack of loyalty to the rest of skyrim. they were once again to blame for a disaster. But still, the breton and his army of the dead was defeated. Without a choice, he returns to Solsthein. but now the empire is too weak to move against Miraak, who will rule industurbed for hundreds of years.

A Proud nord, Hrorgar Deep-Voice, joins the stormcloacks after the empire mistakes him for a stormcloack and almost kills him. Alongside the quest to defeat the World Eater Alduin, the Nord also joins the Companions, later swinging the legendary Wuhthrad. With the previous head of the companions dead, Hrorgar became their leader and enlisted his brothers to fight alongside him in the last attack if the Stormcloacks. The imperials cowered and shit themselves by watching the companions take the front and the Dragonborn swinging the legendary Whuthrad that once belonged to ysgramor himself.

Quickly the word got out of ulfric sending a terrible werewolf to slaughter imperial soldiers in their sleep, in order to guarantee the victory. However, when the civil war was finished, Hrothgar sought to end the werewolf curse in the inner circle of the Companions after his first horse was fallen victim to a wild pack.
Living in Windhelm and trusted by Ulfric, Hrorgar Deep-Voice does not only is loyal to his king, but also secretly fancies him. Hrorgar falls into his grace for his prowess but ends up marrying Angrenor Once-Honored, a former Stormcloack, now beggar, who has as much despise for the other races as Hrorgar himself.
It is said that there is no love between the two but with a roof over his head, Angrenor does not dare to oppose ulfric's champion. Before this, they lived in Whiterun and the former Stormcloack helped rebuild the city after its invasion. Hrorgar had grown envious, however, and after the war, moved to Windhealm.
Hrorgar made many enemies in his journeys and he couldn't discover which one made a black sacrament, even if he tried. The cowards from the Dark Brotherhood were no match to him, but they could still be annoying. The nord contacted, then, that Aretino kid and killed the old hag in Riften. He was trying to get the guild attention, and he got it. That bitch Astrid quickly fell to his sword in that abandoned shack.
Interested in becoming a great blacksmith, Hrorgar ended up in Markarth. Studying the dwermer art in the city, he got caught up in a Forsworth rebellion. Ends up that the big guys of the city were in a deal with them but it ended badly for the very silver-blood family. Hrorgar did the dirty work for them because they would make a great ally to Ulfric and because those Forsworth cunts have no place in the nords home, Skyrim.

Hrorgar ended up becoming a great Smith. Since he had many battles with dragons, by his own and with his companions the Blades, he had a his disposal the materials necessary to make a armor of dragon bone that stroke fear in the hearts of any who sees it. The nord takes pride in showing anyone how the true sons of Skyrim are superior.

He despised the Greybeard's lack of will and distrusted Parthunax, that, as the Blades say, must die. The Aldmeri Dominion is as much enemy to the true Nords as the Empire, so the Blades must be rebuilt. Hrorgar gathered some fitting warriors that were looking to do the right thing: the former adventurer and riften protector Mjoll-the-lioness, a man who was looking to get to their city guard and a unemployed shipment worker, troubled with the Forsworn attacks.

In his late life, bored and missing his old days of glory, Ulfric's wolf responds to the provocations of another Dragonborn. He cares nothing for forbidden knowledge or Daedric lords: he only wants to be the strongest among man and dragons. Holding Miraak’s head in his hands proved he was.
born in windhelm, poor and humiliated, Zelfy Azul tries to flee of skyrim but is caught in the border. showing great warfare prowess, ulfric actually had a attack planed to strike Helgen: a trap inside of a trap. General tullius was killed in battle, weakening the Empire response to the revolt. In the chaos of battle, the dummer manages to get to the city of Riften, but with no skills or jobs, becomes a thief in the city. He quickly rises in the hierarchy of the Thieves Guild using his childhood experience in the business of steal and stealth. Among his equals, Zelfy finnaly feels he can build himself something and starts to train on the ranged battle. Developing prowess with the bow and arrow, he becomes Nightingale. The Dummer manages to lift the curse that threatened the Guild, and with the support of his new Family, he travels to solitude to learn his true passion: the music and the poem. In this travel, he meets Sondas Drenin in the Darkwater Crossing, for which he falls in love.

With charm and wit, the dummer ends up collecting all of the strange artefacts scattered all over Skyrim and, rich, buys a land and builds a manor near Solitude. Years later, Zelfy heard of the vampire threat and decided to join the hunters, but not of good will: he was confident that the ancient vampires would hold incredible treasures that would be valuable to be added to his twisted collection. He never cared about stormcloak or imperial, none of them came to save him from the cold streets of windhelm in his childhood. let them all rot.

Born in Black Marsh and raised in Cyrodill, the argonian Deekieth Shadow Walker is a secret agent employed independently to track down the betrayer Ulfric. Trained to kill, the Shadow Walker see no problem in leaving corpses on his way to serve the Empire. His loyalty remains even when he was about to be killed alongside ulfric: he did not revealed his identity. loyal even when the dark brotherhood sent him to kill the emperor himself, for the contractor was actually the empire, eager to be seen on a new image, passing the power to a new face, the easy manipulated emperor's son.

The Dark Brotherhood ends up being his family, and all respect him for his work with the blade and the poison, even tho he was not raised as a Shadowscale like his new found brother Veezara.
Deekieth's blades see no politics, only flesh. The empire pays well, and provides him with targets to feed his blades hunger and his own, for his twisted path put him in the way of Namira, who rewards him with her magical artefact.
Deekieth holds no interest in killing dragons and saving the world from its doom. Rather, he prefered the simplicity of the night’s mother contracts and in her ways he lived.